This book was written and used as an educational tool when Jacob (who is now an adult) was mainstreamed in the public school setting after early intervention and self contained settings ended. A marked difference was seen in the acceptance level of his peers after having this book read to them in an interactive, informative environment - proving that most biased against autism and other disabilities is not an ingrained, natural born instinct, but one born of ignorance and lack of information on a personal level.
In the right setting, this book may help children (and adults) understand autism and differences in a way that could help increase acceptance of those with differences.
Jacob is a young man with autism who has aged out of the public school system. Despite years of vocational training, he was still considered "unemployable". As a result, we have created a home based online sales business to provide Jacob with a meaningful and purposeful life after school.
The business name is Jacob's Ladder. We have created a Facebook page to chronicle the process of training Jacob in various aspects of an online sales business. It is called Journey To Jacob's Ladder. Please feel free to join us on the journey!